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Back to being Glutened

gluten free

Since having my blood test come back positive for Ceoliac disease last week, I have been trying to reintroduce Gluten into my diet. I have been advised to do this by my GP because I have to have a gut biopsy, and if i dont have gluten in my system then i won't get an accurate biopsy result. It is the worst thing I have ever had to do. It has been less than a week of being "glutened" and I feel absolutely awful.

My fatigue has come back, my fibro has flared up. My ankle pain woke me up again in the middle of the night. It's like I have gone back right to the start and I was just starting to feel slightly normal again.

Is it possible that all my problems all along have been because I have been "Glutened" my entire life.

The celiac iceberg

I found the above picture about the "Gluten Iceberg". I think this shows really well how bad gluten can be for Ceoliacs or even just people who have an intolerance to it, when their problems are left untreated.

At the bottom of the iceberg is when there are no problems or no symptoms. This is called the latent stage.

The middle of the iceberg is when the villi in the gut start to become damaged, but there are still no huge symptoms for the person so the problem still remains undetected.

The tip of the iceberg is the symptomatic stage where the pain arrives and other problems occur. The villi are very damaged now and our stomachs are inflamed and painful.

I think i have always been in the Silent celiac stage. I have had some symptoms which is why I was probably diagnosed with IBS from an early age, but because my villi were not to damaged my symptoms were manageable to an extent. It is only now with my auto immune disease and other issues my Celiac has finally surfaced and I have hit the tip of the iceberg.

I just hope my Villi are not too badly damaged because of the late diagnosis. I also hope my biopsy is not going to be too far away so I can start the journey to healing my body.

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