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Down The Rabbit Hole

darkness in the woods

It’s been 2 years give or take, since I had my total thyroidectomy. I assumed it was going to be my life saving treatment, and a cure for all. I thought, like many of us, that I would miraculously feel 100% better and that would be it. To say that hasn’t happened would be an understatement!.

Despite my best efforts I still feel terrible. Most days I can just about muster the strength to actually get out of bed, and when I do get up, I immediately want to go back to sleep. If I’m not aching, or in pain with my back or leg muscle, I’m tired, irritable and generally just grumpy. Then very occasionally I will have a good day. Now, don’t get too excited, when I say a good day, I mean it’s a good day for me, but anyone else without an autoimmune would probably be in hospital. Not an exaggeration.

When I do have a good day, it’s great, but then as is life, something always brings me back down to earth with a bump. This bump, normally comes in the form of some sort of mystery ailment, that I haven’t had before.

My new mystery ailment began with my left foot. I was woken up at 3am by a searing pain in my ankle that radiated all throughout my foot. It was agonizing. I got up and tried to walk it off a bit. Took codeine , NOTHING HELPED!! It was excruciating. I went to the doctors the following day, and even though there were no bruises and only slight swelling, I was told it was probably gout. I had some blood tests , which proved, it wasn’t. What did show however in my bloods however was that my TSH- level was WAY TOO LOW. 27 to be precise. Meaning I was severely hypo. I take my thyroxine religiously. I was given no explanation as to why my level was like this. The other thing that showed up was my cortisol level was also low and my vitamin D level and my folate level. Basically I’m deficient in quite a few things.

I am due to have a SST test for my cortisol level, which will decide whether I have Addisons disease or adrenal fatigue.

I am also due to have an MRI scan on foot and also a Rheumatologist appointment.

Whilst I am glad I have these appointments and hopefully something will be sorted, however my illness constantly feels like a battle, and I never have clear answers. I constantly feel like I am down a rabbit hole, trying to get up to find the light at the end of the tunnel. It hasn’t happened yet.

sorted, however my illness constantly feels like a battle, and I never have clear answers. I constantly feel like I am down a rabbit hole, trying to get up to find the light at the end of the tunnel. It hasn’t happened yet.

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